Simple & Effective
We recently received a letter from one of our students in prison who just finished all 24 lessons of our Lessons for Life Course. I thought I’d briefly share some of his comments rather than copy the entire letter as many of his points are similar to what others have written to us.
“Thank you for reaching out to me.”
“One of the reasons I am in prison is because I don’t know how to live life the right way.”
“Your lessons give me good advice and easy ways to understand and live for God.”
“These lessons have given me direction.”
“What you do is very important, and I am blessed to have you in my life.”
When I wrote these lessons several years ago, I didn’t really know if they would be as much help to others as they were for me. For the most part, all I did was write about the topics that I had been learning about so I could continue to grow in my walk with God. I didn’t have any far-reaching plan in mind. As I was reviewing them recently, I noticed a common attribute in each one. They all challenge the reader to make a decision. Everything begins with a decision.
Here are a few of the lessons, and I’m sure you will be able to determine what decision I ask the reader to make simply by the title:
“Prison Is Not an Option”
“Deciding to Like People”
“Decide to Love to Work”
“Freedom in Honesty”
“The Victim Mentality”
“The Value of Time”
“Choosing Friends”
“The Eternal Relationship”
In Romans chapter 12 verse 2, it talks about living a life that is transformed. This transformation only happens if we change the way we think. The only way we can change the way we think is to decide we want to change, and the only way the right changes will take place is if we renew our minds to the truth of God’s word.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Our ministry is simple. We plant and we water. We plant by sending in Bibles and my books and going into the prisons and sharing our testimonies. We water by offering discipleship.
While inmates are incarcerated, our primary method of discipleship is through our correspondence course. After they get out, we offer life-coaching and more training for success. Everything we do in this category is designed to attract, encourage, and empower those who are serious about following Jesus Christ. We have no idea who will be serious, but we keep meeting them where they are, and we lend a helping hand for them to get back on their feet and start walking in the right direction.
I believe it is important for us to offer a helping hand, but we never force anyone up or shove them forward. Most of the action needs to be on their part. They need to make the decision to grab hold of the helping hand. In the meantime, we keep planting and watering and partnering with God, waiting for Him to give the increase.
We each have different ministries that we are involved with in different ways. Some we lead, some we volunteer to help, some we encourage, some we pray for, some we support financially. We are all working together in as many ways as the Holy Spirit leads us.
In closing, I want to emphasize that when we are thanked, you are thanked as well. In the big picture, we are all fellow laborers in the Kingdom of God. He gives us different roles, but we all have one purpose.
If you would like to learn more about these lessons, including access to the video teachings, you can visit our website (They are available for free).
If you have questions or want more information you can contact me through email or text.
God bless you!